Recent content by SaiyaFAn1

  1. Why does Dragon Ball Daima repel?

    Greetings, I am new here and I would like to know what you think, if the criticism that "Dragon Ball Daima" receives is for: 1 - Not continuing the anime with the Moro saga or 2 - Dragon Ball Daima follows the line of children's dragon ball soft and bland.... I personally think it's the second...
  2. Dragon Ball Super Will the anime for DBS ever continue or will it be forced into movies?

    It's true that this anime has left a mark on all of us, and yet there's a clear division between 'those who want a more mature and serious Dragon Ball' and 'others who accept the new offerings even if they are more child-friendly.' In any case, I've heard that some fans want to develop a more...
  3. SPOILER! What are some of the most horrifying moments in Dragon Ball?

    Disculpen no conocen "DRAGON BALL RED" ?? Es la mejor recopilación echa hasta la fecha de los momentos más duros y sangrientos de todo dragon ball, dragon ball z y dragon ball GT