Recent content by VillainousWarlord

  1. VillainousWarlord

    Dragonball GT Villains Analysis

    Sorry for double post, but the much more directly negative half of the list is up now. It includes the episodic villains from the very start as well.
  2. VillainousWarlord


    There's a lot of potential for this, and I'm glad they're trying something creative for a change. I mostly just wish all of the survivors were canon characters instead of generic OCs. Everybody loves the chance to play as Oolong and Bulma, let's get in other folks like Mr. Satan, Ox King...
  3. VillainousWarlord

    Dragonball GT Villains Analysis

    Zoonama is in the second part of this that I'm working on. Little known fact is that I'm 90% sure he ripped off the catfish villain from this other obscure Japanese cartoon, or they're both inspired by some vague Japanese legend I can't identify. Japan loves earthquake catfish, but the plot of...
  4. VillainousWarlord

    Favorite Henchman?

    Ginyus and Nappa. Nappa has a higher kill count than pretty much any non main villain. The Ginyus have more personality than most Dragonball villains on average, and Guldo and Ginyu have some unique powers that make them more interesting to watch.
  5. VillainousWarlord

    Dragonball GT Villains Analysis

    There are not enough characters for a fully positive top 10 for GT, but I try nonetheless.