Which Gohans? Adult? Teen or Kid? Because kid gohans masenko is weaker! Adult Z Gohans should be stronger and by super tenshinhan caught up so while hes still weaker his kikoho should be stronger Probably!And Tenshinhan’s Shin Kikoho is implied to be weaker than Gohan’s Masenko.
Kid. His Masenko was 2,800 and Vegeta told Nappa to watch out for it and Napa’s hand became numb after swatting the blast. Granted, Vegeta didn’t have his scouter on when Tenshinhan fired his Kikoho at Nappa, but it’s likely Gohan’s Masenko was stronger going by what happened.Which Gohans? Adult? Teen or Kid? Because kid gohans masenko is weaker! Adult Z Gohans should be stronger and by super tenshinhan caught up so while hes still weaker his kikoho should be stronger Probably!
Okay yeah that just proves it kid gohans powerlevels were always WACK!Kid. His Masenko was 2,800 and Vegeta told Nappa to watch out for it and Napa’s hand became numb after swatting the blast. Granted, Vegeta didn’t have his scouter on when Tenshinhan fired his Kikoho at Nappa, but it’s likely Gohan’s Masenko was stronger going by what happened.