True but you could remove a lot of the movie villains, and gt to make enough space!Problem is most of the slots are transformations. There's like 12 slots that are just Goku and Vegeta.
And no Super Saiyan 4 (maybe)![]()
The Main issue withh ssj 4 Goku is he would come with the baggage of Base to SSJ 3 Gt Goku And it would be weird having those forms be dlc right?
Now Kid Goku With or without Ozaru should be in the game 100% he was in BT 1 same with Tao pai pai, Roshi and Chaozu!
And yes i like gt gokus forms im just saying he would be 4 forms while Kid Goku has 2 at most!
Im guessing a lot of the transforming castr is base game stuff while stuff like android 19 or 20 is dlc!
I guess they could make Kid and daima Goku share one slot? if daima uses the same attacks you could do it!
I think they should cut adult kaioshin to include his daima form! Than include the main villain(s) and thats like 6 slots at most!
In short im sure DB, Gt and potentially daima get at least 3 chars each! I mean they did say that sparking zero includes stuff from all eras of db!