Ways to make the forum more active


Elite Saiyan Warrior
Super Saiyan
Any ideas? That's a nice forum.

Problem is forums in general aren't hot anymore. But any way to boost it for ppl to look at it more?


Social media platforms kind of took most people away from forums.

I will probably look into giving this place a face lift soon.


Elite Saiyan Warrior
Super Saiyan
I think it needs more advertisement. Problem is finding people that are still hot forums... Preferably from communities related to Dab who'd feel more closely to it... But outside it, maybe in an anime big forum. There are some. Maybe some general anime/manga discussion can be created. But if new members visit here, there should be already an increase in activity before for them to stay... Maybe I can talk to some ppl who maybe would post here more often but they're few
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I think it needs more advertisement. Problem is finding people that are still hot forums... Preferably from communities related to Dab who'd feel more closely to it... But outside it, maybe in an anime big forum. There are some. Maybe some general anime/manga discussion can be created. But if new members visit here, there should be already an increase in activity before for them to stay... Maybe I can talk to some ppl who maybe would post here more often but they're few
It is hard to attract people to smaller communities now because of places like Reddit and software like Discord.

I did try with the YouTube thing (posting niche videos linking back to the forum) but it didn't actually help gain any new members, at least none that I am aware of.

This video got 60k, the second highest was 32k I think.


Giga Hertz

The beauty of grace is that it makes life not fair
Super Saiyan God
I found this place because I literally Googled "Dragon Ball Forums" and I was just looking for somewhere to spruik my game.

It's like Beerus said, I don't think it's a lack of advertisement, I think it's just that the internet landscape has changed. I used to be part of several big Pokémon forums, and I'm sure I could remember my credentials, but... I don't really want to. I still play Pokémon, I still like the games, but I just don't really have anything to say to anyone.
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Elite Saiyan Warrior
Super Saiyan
Yeah that's true, internet landscape has changed a lot. For the worst imo. While ppl can be more attracted to spaces in which communication occurs more quickly and more with more fluidity like discord, it's generally good when there's a discord group with ppl you know somewhat already and a channel that isn't overflowing with messages. I'm in quite a few groups like this, but when I try to join some new one, to discuss things I like, the overflow of messages and the constant topic change is just too much. There is no highlight to each message, keeping with a conversation with several ppl typing about everything is madness lol. Instagram has its place ofc but eh I tend to leave it in a bad mood lol, Instagram has a way to catch you so you spend more time in it than you'd like to and it's not that enjoyable time. You're basically just seeing pics, stories of others and such... Ehh it's to me a waste of time but it has a way to draw ppl to. Same as twitter (now X)... I'm very cautious in entering it these times because when I choose to, it seems there is always something that makes me spend a lot of time there... And not productive time.

There are still active forums tho. Forums aren't hot anymore, but there are still some active ones. I think I could try to see a member who likes posting on forums, who thinks it has its place as better for in depth discussions and talk to them about here. Whether they stick tho that's who knows. I've talked about forum users about other forums and even though they like forums, they end up joining but not sticking around... I think the fact they may have a forum they feel well at and all may make it a little wtv to them to stick to other forums.

One other reason is that I think DB isn't so hot anymore. It hasn't been for years. When BoG came out, 2013, there were a lot of new members everywhere. Even with Super, Heroes, Daima (or Daima?) it seems ppl aren't so in it anymore. Maybe many started to know DB through DBS which is arguably less appealing than the original DB. Ppl's attentions span as well, with this quick response social medias, it seems like ppl have no patience with posts longer than 3 lines lol. Sometimes on random discord groups about anime or politics whenever I post a paragraph ppl are like tldr haha.... Well, let's see.... Hope there's a turn around with this
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Forums build friendships and establish communities with like-minded people but like the real world, people don't seem to care as much about those things. Everything seems to have become disposable and it has hurt society as a whole.


Elite Saiyan Warrior
Super Saiyan
Forums build friendships and establish communities with like-minded people but like the real world, people don't seem to care as much about those things. Everything seems to have become disposable and it has hurt society as a whole.
Yes... Old social medias like Orkut or even Facebook in its earlier stages, forums .... They all had the advantage of building up a community and being a space for more in depth talk, which to me is important when a community wants to get a long in a superficial way that is online interactions, whereas those new social medias, even the ones promoting discussions, they promote moreso the creation of own bubbles that are more interested in making "witted 2 lines responses" that "cooks the other person" to attract likes and engagement rather than building a line of thinking, learning to tag along with ppl with different mindsets, like forums... Now there is a big priority over engagement, over whoever got the most attention with their posts... And not an engagement that for many may also be a way to boost themselves, but which is way more meaningful since there are less tendencies for creation of bubbles that only counter act by edgy comments and memes...

It's sad honestly, that while the communication methods improve in terms of reach and quickness, paradoxically, people just tend to be more distant and, even within their own bubble, there isn't a sense of community... More like just a mutual agreement on topics and the desire to "badly exposed the other side"....

I believe though that as long as there are ppl who also see the damage in this new form of communication and try to balance it better with spaces like forums, it may keep short activity, but shall not die. I hope there is a resurgence some time in the future... Some things seem to go in circles, it's possible people become increasingly sickened of the new social medias and start to pursue older methods again...
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Yes... Old social medias like Orkut or even Facebook in its earlier stages, forums .... They all had the advantage of building up a community and being a space for more in depth talk, which to me is important when a community wants to get a long in a superficial way that is online interactions, whereas those new social medias, even the ones promoting discussions, they promote moreso the creation of own bubbles that are more interested in making "witted 2 lines responses" that "cooks the other person" to attract likes and engagement rather than building a line of thinking, learning to tag along with ppl with different mindsets, like forums... Now there is a big priority over engagement, over whoever got the most attention with their posts... And not an engagement that for many may also be a way to boost themselves, but which is way more meaningful since there are less tendencies for creation of bubbles that only counter act by edgy comments and memes...

It's sad honestly, that while the communication methods improve in terms of reach and quickness, paradoxically, people just tend to be more distant and, even within their own bubble, there isn't a sense of community... More like just a mutual agreement on topics and the desire to "badly exposed the other side"....

I believe though that as long as there are ppl who also see the damage in this new form of communication and try to balance it better with spaces like forums, it may keep short activity, but shall not die. I hope there is a resurgence some time in the future... Some things seem to go in circles, it's possible people become increasingly sickened of the new social medias and start to pursue older methods again...
I think when internet communication became mainstream and every day plebs started using it is when the internet got ruined. There was always bad stuff online but now there is way more. Mixed that with people that don't know how to communicate online and well... You end up with the mess we have. I grew up on a computer and slowly transitioned into talking to people online. Now we have people that were thrown into it because of trends raising children on the internet out of convenience.

I don't think forums will ever die, not completely. But I do hope they do get circled back. People are getting more and more fed up with places like Facebook, X, Reddit, etc.

The issue is, these people just default to Discord.


Elite Saiyan Warrior
Super Saiyan
I think when internet communication became mainstream and every day plebs started using it is when the internet got ruined. There was always bad stuff online but now there is way more. Mixed that with people that don't know how to communicate online and well... You end up with the mess we have. I grew up on a computer and slowly transitioned into talking to people online. Now we have people that were thrown into it because of trends raising children on the internet out of convenience.

I don't think forums will ever die, not completely. But I do hope they do get circled back. People are getting more and more fed up with places like Facebook, X, Reddit, etc.

The issue is, these people just default to Discord.
Agreed essentially but disagree with the internet becoming that way due to being more widespread and available for many people. The toxicity is entirely on the social media landscape and the way it promoted engagement, like X. Ppl are the same, you see deranged stuff from ppl who had internet since long long ago... It's not specific to one part. It's just the current state of encouraged type of engagement and need for likes and approval I'd say


Agreed essentially but disagree with the internet becoming that way due to being more widespread and available for many people. The toxicity is entirely on the social media landscape and the way it promoted engagement, like X. Ppl are the same, you see deranged stuff from ppl who had internet since long long ago... It's not specific to one part. It's just the current state of encouraged type of engagement and need for likes and approval I'd say
It isn't it being widely available so much as it is the wrong people taking over spaces. Like Reddit is a good example of this. That places is LOADED with pedophiles and very sick individuals many of which are in charge of various portions of the site. I don't believe they were always there but the space allotted for them to collect there. Same with Twitter prior to Elon buying it. The place had very open pedo rings and pedo hashtags. I watched a video someone did on YouTube about it, the MAPs folks and it turned my stomach. I think it was Muta (SomeOrdinaryGamers) that did it.

While this crap was there prior to the internet becoming mainstream, it made it all worse. It made it more widespread. Mix this with parents not doing their job and it is just bad...

The whole attention seeking stuff people do, that is bad but people did that prior to social media as well. It just amplified those people and encouraged others to be like them.


Elite Saiyan Warrior
Super Saiyan
It isn't it being widely available so much as it is the wrong people taking over spaces. Like Reddit is a good example of this. That places is LOADED with pedophiles and very sick individuals many of which are in charge of various portions of the site. I don't believe they were always there but the space allotted for them to collect there. Same with Twitter prior to Elon buying it. The place had very open pedo rings and pedo hashtags. I watched a video someone did on YouTube about it, the MAPs folks and it turned my stomach. I think it was Muta (SomeOrdinaryGamers) that did it.

While this crap was there prior to the internet becoming mainstream, it made it all worse. It made it more widespread. Mix this with parents not doing their job and it is just bad...

The whole attention seeking stuff people do, that is bad but people did that prior to social media as well. It just amplified those people and encouraged others to be like them.
Yes, but wouldn't that be a problem that is more apparent to us due to social media becoming so interconnected, with just the landscape of the social media attracting people with these sickening behaviours?


Yes, but wouldn't that be a problem that is more apparent to us due to social media becoming so interconnected, with just the landscape of the social media attracting people with these sickening behaviours?
It is probably both. We are more aware of it and it also helped spread it easier and normalize the behavior in some cases which is not a good thing.

I am sure before this there were forums with these types on them. In fact I know there was. So it isn't like social media is to blame but allowing kids and teens on these platforms was like tossing gasoline on a fire.


Elite Saiyan Warrior
Super Saiyan
It is probably both. We are more aware of it and it also helped spread it easier and normalize the behavior in some cases which is not a good thing.

I am sure before this there were forums with these types on them. In fact I know there was. So it isn't like social media is to blame but allowing kids and teens on these platforms was like tossing gasoline on a fire.
Yeah I should there should be a 16+ only access to social media. Problem is that implementing it in a way that would be effective would be soooo difficult....
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Yeah I should there should be a 16+ only access to social media. Problem is that implementing it in a way that would be effective would be soooo difficult....
I made sure to make this forum for adults cause I don't want kids on here, even though I know the nature of the topic attracts them. I just don't want a risk of anything happening here. I would feel terrible.

Some have suggested that certain content you need to verify with ID to view on places like X which could work for porn but not much else. I still see boat loads of weirdo zoophiles and pedophiles on that platform. Some hiding right in plain sight too. You don't know until you see a police report pop up about them being arrested for child porn or something.


Elite Saiyan Warrior
Super Saiyan
I got in into a couple discord groups but found out there were 13 years old ppl there since it's allowed as long as they're 13+ in many discord groups... I pretty much stopped talking because I wanted to make new friends on other channels that discussed things about life, college, studies in general, but I definitely don't want to interact with someone young, even just below 18, like 17, I already reply in one lines just so I don't need to get into a conversation, but 15, 13 kids there.... Nah that's bad. And unfortunately there would be members there whom would spout inappropriate content in the convos... Since there were many and many members, controlling whether some idiot will show up isn't easy, in quick messages board like discord...
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Elite Saiyan Warrior
Super Saiyan God
I agree that forums will never completely die and I also agree that social media in general has died down some. Finally, I agree that the biggest hurdle forums and to a lesser extent social media face now is Discord.

As for me, I’m just burnt out on forums, I would say almost completely at this point. I’ve been a part of them for well over 15 years and I was 12 when I joined my first forum. I have just migrated to Discord and I plan on making that my main source of online communication for a long time to come.
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