Search results

  1. BallroomKing

    Do you think Naruto is a Copy-Cat of Dragonball?

    Yes, Naruto=Goku, Chi-Chi=Hinata, Vegeta=Sasuke and Bluma=Sakura, Roshi=Jiraiya
  2. BallroomKing

    What would happen if Goku and Vegeta meet Minato and Kushina during Naruto's birth and the Kyuubi's sealing?

    What would happen if Goku and Vegeta meet Minato and Kushina during Naruto's birth and the Kyuubi's sealing?
  3. BallroomKing

    Dragonball Dimension the Video game

    One dimension Goku married Bluma. One dimension Vegeta married Chi-chi. One dimension Chi-chi married Krillin. One dimension Goku married Andriod 18. One dimension Vegeta married Andriod 18.