So most people here seem to know Dragonball mopstly in English to remedy that everyone here can post facts about either the Japanese Version
or about maybe Their Own Languages Version!
First The Kamehameha was called Schockwelle der alten ahnen (Shockwave of the old Ancestors) in the first 30 Episodes of german Dragonball!
Now its obviously Kamehameha again! BTW the Correct translation of Kamehameha is Schildkröten Zerstörungs-Welle! (Turtle Destruction Wave)
The Makankosappo is generally lamponed for being diufficult to pronunce cus TFS Spo a Name Change seems Reasonable Execpt the English Translation is horrible the Original Meaning is:
Demon's Penetrating Killing Ray Gun Obviously that is too long but yeah The Demon Part is Pretty Important but was axed that is one of the few ocasions in which the german VErsion was slightly more Acurate naming the Attack: Spezial Höllen Spirale (Special Hell Spiral)
Then we have stuff like the Tri Beam who is actually a Quatro Beam! Why? because its original name is Kikoho which means Energy Control Canon!
Do you guys know or want to know more Trivia Like This?
or about maybe Their Own Languages Version!
First The Kamehameha was called Schockwelle der alten ahnen (Shockwave of the old Ancestors) in the first 30 Episodes of german Dragonball!
Now its obviously Kamehameha again! BTW the Correct translation of Kamehameha is Schildkröten Zerstörungs-Welle! (Turtle Destruction Wave)
The Makankosappo is generally lamponed for being diufficult to pronunce cus TFS Spo a Name Change seems Reasonable Execpt the English Translation is horrible the Original Meaning is:
Demon's Penetrating Killing Ray Gun Obviously that is too long but yeah The Demon Part is Pretty Important but was axed that is one of the few ocasions in which the german VErsion was slightly more Acurate naming the Attack: Spezial Höllen Spirale (Special Hell Spiral)
Then we have stuff like the Tri Beam who is actually a Quatro Beam! Why? because its original name is Kikoho which means Energy Control Canon!
Do you guys know or want to know more Trivia Like This?