I would like to point out that video is 2019. Robert was correct in everything he said. He laid it out in front of us.
It isn't even China though that is the biggest threat, it is the people within this country working for themselves.
Actually, its both.
As Robert pointed out subtly, politicians here are bought, paid for, and are pushing back on policies. Most of the things he pointed out in there are things that a caring politician WOULD act on. Like Matt Gaetz.
Here's what Vivek said as a candidate. And he is posing the answer to: Why are politicians so corrupt...
Hearing Robert's work and his story is crazy. Like all the information being seeding into kid's minds through TV was bad, imagine how worse the internet is for a developing young brain.
TV is one component of the problem we have right now. Its not the defacto reason why we have all these... "furries." Its platforms like Twitter, Facebook, and my biggest problem is tiktok. YouTube is also a problem, but my eyes are squarely on tiktok. There's TONS of YouTube videos reacting to dumb stories from tiktok, and its no wonder. Feminism is high. Woke is high. MAPS (again not explaining), Marxism, etc. TikTok is China, so we
should be attacking them.
Moreover tiktok spies on you. It know EVERYTHING about you. Your IP address, your password, your thumb, and so on. Its a national security risk that politicians don't understand.
China has a separate app for tiktok, but designed for the Chinese market. The censors in there will only highlight Chinese propaganda. No pro-U.S. The main tiktok app is meant to subvert OUR "democracy." (Don't like the word but yeah. Our society is being manipulated, molded into Xi Jinping's thought so our country is divided.)
I think the reason why so many people are furries today is because these were the kids that were raised by cartoons with anthropomorphic animals from a very young age with little socialization with family and other children. Now imagine the kids that were being raised on Elsa Gate nonsense.
The future is not going to be pretty!
I explained this earlier.