Last thing you ate?

Had vanilla chocolate caramel gelato. Making rice now but that is for tomorrow and the next few days. I like to eat white rice for breakfast.
Our hotel has free ice cream after 8pm, so we did that. It's 7am now, so trying to wake up. Will probably have a pizza bun and onigiri for breakfast from a convenience store.
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I'd imagine it'd be worse coming back to America after. I would not consider most of what you'd find in the convenient stores to even be food. lol
Eh... it's not a whole lot different. We just go to the supermarket. We have 7-11 here which HAS started incorporating some Japanese items (onigiri for one) but it's still expensive and not well done... also too far to go (it's like a 5 minute drive from my house, rather than a 2 minute walk).

Japanese prices are so freaking good. We bought some (much better made) McDonalds and it was like half the price. I'm about to go buy a new lens camera for significantly cheaper too.
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