Last thing you ate?

Eh... it's not a whole lot different. We just go to the supermarket. We have 7-11 here which HAS started incorporating some Japanese items (onigiri for one) but it's still expensive and not well done... also too far to go (it's like a 5 minute drive from my house, rather than a 2 minute walk).

Japanese prices are so freaking good. We bought some (much better made) McDonalds and it was like half the price. I'm about to go buy a new lens camera for significantly cheaper too.
They have a more stable economy, likely due to a strong worth ethic and being strict with immigration... both out countries could learn something from this.

Also they just have healthier food. They take health more seriously in general and not in the corporate way.
OD'in on bread right now. lol We got Panera bread bowls with soup. Gave them another chance and it was good this time.