Dragon Ball GT My Journey through GT!

Kid Goku

The first 15 Chapters of Videospiel-Man are out!
Super Saiyan God
So Now i finnished episode 22 and with it the First Arc (i think atleast) and have to say!
I dont know what all of you Guys (im talking about the DB Fanbase in general) Problem with GT is?
I mean Beautiful Creative Planets, Fun Characters AND DBZ Styled Battles!
While true i know DBGT will change to be more Zish going Forward that just confuses me even more?
Why Do people hate GT?
I think Pan is a decent Character, Giru is fun, Goku as a kid (again) is a Unique Version of the character, Trunks is Cool and from now on from what i heard even Vegeta gets more Importance!
Anyways heres my Journey:
I watched episode 1-6 and then stopped for a short while because i heard that the Para Para are Awful (They arent!) But i wasnt able to continue because i didnt found the site again and didnt want to watch Gt in English beause i heard terrible things about Dub Pan So now i started watching again and yeah its great so far the only bad things are minor:
The Music (outside of Dan Dan) is not so great!
The Character Designs Scream 90s!
And i guess the Logic is sometimes Faulty considering that they really should use SSJ More Often! (than again it being used more Sparingly makes it cooler so!)
I even Changed my Profile Pic because im in a Gt Mood right now!
The pacing is terrible, is the main problem. I get what they were trying to do, but the Dragon Ball hunt is just way too slow with such little payoff.

But we did get Super Saiyan 4 so... that's a bonus.
which parts of The DB Hunt Dragged in your Opinion?
Also Compared to DBZs Anime Pacing its SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Much Better!
Also its only twice as long as the pacing of the First Dragonball hunt and three times as fast as the Red ribbon Saga in the Anime!
While yeah i guess theres not much Payoff does there have to be much anyways? ´The Journey is afterall Pretty Great IMO!
The Dragon Ball Hunt and Shadow Dragons mostly. The rest of it is fine, and I have no beef with GT at all (I much prefer it over Super), but there's a lot of valid criticism to be had. DBZ at least felt like things were happening, even if it did get slow in places.

The very ending of GT is easily top tier though.
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GT is bad for sure, but nothing in it even comes remotely close to making me want to gouge my eyes out like Super #17 does. The Black Star Dragon Ball Saga, the Baby Saga, and the Shadow Dragon Saga are all better than anything in Super, but the Super #17 Saga is worse than anything in Super.
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I see when i reach it!
Im currently on i think Episode 26 Baby just turned into Baby Vegeta!
Also really weird how they spoil SSJ 4 in the Intro!
And the removal of pan, Giru and trunks from the last shot is a bit weird!
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So i now finnished episode 34 and the way Super Saiyan 4 is achieved was great!
Also Uub and majinbuss fusion was great too!
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SO ilke SSJ4 BUT the Baby arc really starts to drag after baby turns into a Great Ape!
So yeah Giga Hertz Your Opinion is Just Wrong Wrong Wrong (to quote MF)
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SO ilke SSJ4 BUT the Baby arc really starts to drag after baby turns into a Great Ape!
So yeah Giga Hertz Your Opinion is Just Wrong Wrong Wrong (to quote MF)
1. You haven't seen all of it to read my opinion wholistically.
2. My opinions are never wrong.

I'll shatter your world.gif
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GT has a lot of issues but I still managed to enjoy it. I just didn't care much for the beginning. It was too slow. Then when it started to pick up, it went too fast.
I still have to disagree i found the End of the Baby Arc far slower than the Black star Dragonballs arc! (Which i define from episode 1 till the defeat of Mu)
I mean are the Dragonballs found in diffrent ammounts of time? Yes! But the Original Db Worked in mostly the Same way!
Then again your Opinions are at least acceptable to me unlike what the Clown Totally not Mark did my God his Review of the First arc is Terrible!
I mean are the Dragonballs found in diffrent ammounts of time? Yes! But the Original Db Worked in mostly the Same way!
The problem is Dragon Ball was an entirely original story that made up for pacing in terms of the character strengths, cast and humour. GT tried to replicate this in the style of Z without the right things that make the original run work. Trunks and Pan just aren't interesting characters to have following Goku around, and GT Goku as a kid is not as interesting as actual Kid Goku.
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So i just stopped my extended GT Break and watched The Earth Destryoing Episode aswell as the Tournament Episode!
Honestly i think making Vegeta a Kid might be really Hillarious! (Toryiama take notes!)
Other than that these Episodes also got really Sad but i guess thats what you get if Toei is Writting DB!
So i just stopped my extended GT Break and watched The Earth Destryoing Episode aswell as the Tournament Episode!

In my view those episodes are effectively where GT ends. While there are still two story arcs remaining, they essentially just exist for the sake of ending the series and not for the purpose of continuing and developing the story.
SS4???? Who hates GT? GT was awesome. A bit slow moving, but I was eager for every episodes just like the pasts seasons.

DB GT Final Bout was always not rented out at my local Blockbuster. I guess that was before the DBZ craze in the U.S.

I used to always go for Bloody Roar, Gex, and Crash during that time. Looking back, I should have rented it lol.

The Dreamcast was coming out too, so that game was an afterthought for me at the time.

GT is the Sonic CD of DB. It was pretty good, but not what many fans were used to. Time stones being one, were he controlled space and time. Sonic is actually pretty OP, and on par or if not above most DB characters, but I digress.....
SS4???? Who hates GT? GT was awesome. A bit slow moving, but I was eager for every episodes just like the pasts seasons.

DB GT Final Bout was always not rented out at my local Blockbuster. I guess that was before the DBZ craze in the U.S.

I used to always go for Bloody Roar, Gex, and Crash during that time. Looking back, I should have rented it lol.

The Dreamcast was coming out too, so that game was an afterthought for me at the time.

GT is the Sonic CD of DB. It was pretty good, but not what many fans were used to. Time stones being one, were he controlled space and time. Sonic is actually pretty OP, and on par or if not above most DB characters, but I digress.....
But he does need to rob a Jewlery store to become OP!
Anyways did you knew that final Bout was orirginally Not a GT Game? It was just called Dragonball Final Bout in Japanese as in Dragonball final Fighting Game Luckily Budokai happend and we Know Have Fighterz and Xenoverse2 which fun fact is the second fighting Game to feature Gt Trunks and Base Gt Vegeta! Also a lot of people complain about its roster eventho it was based on a poll in Japan so yeah a lot of Final Bout Crirticism is pretty mute!

And Yeah GT is Pretty Good! Again the only Major Criticism i have of it is that it sorta ruins DBZs Happy Ending (From what ive heard) but now that Super is out that point should be mute!
Now im at Gokus Fight with Super 17! Although i couldnt finnish the episode were their fight Started cus Bad Internet!
For the very same reason i cant download Games including Gokus Journey so that sucks!
So Goku just beat Super 17 by running him through with a dragonfist (which origins i dont know) And now they Summoned Shenlong but oh my Kami does he look Creepy i mean i know the Final Form of this Villain and its FAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAR Less Unnerving!

Edit the first Evil shenlong that appeared i think its 3 star Shenlong was definitly pretty lighthearted but thats a good thing after all a bit of Levity is not a bad thing!
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That's another thing I dislike about GT. The Anime Only techniques. LOL.
There arent that many right? Pls List them in Spoilers!
But yeah DBGT Doesnt make sense by MAnga Logic at all after all all movie Characters appear in the Super 17 Arc Aswell as tons of other Anime concepts like the super God Water being able to be used to free people from control and not just as a Powerup!

Also a weird thing DBGT (And end of Z) Really suffer from 90s Ites so many Characters wear Jeans or other Casual Clothes Goku is really the Only one with a Gi at that time!