Relationship Advice Thread

I liked the fellowship, and I also liked the preaching. I tolerated the music and the singing. I joined the Church. It may have been too soon for me to join but I was desperate to join a Church anyway. Other than the loud music and singing it was quite balanced. I just hope my parents go along with me there every other Sunday.
That's so great! Did you get to meet and talk to any people?

Short of going to a much smaller church, you likely will have a problem with the music volume at a lot of places. Is there anything you can do to manage it?
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I liked the fellowship, and I also liked the preaching. I tolerated the music and the singing. I joined the Church. It may have been too soon for me to join but I was desperate to join a Church anyway. Other than the loud music and singing it was quite balanced. I just hope my parents go along with me there every other Sunday.
Good. Good.

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That's so great! Did you get to meet and talk to any people?

Short of going to a much smaller church, you likely will have a problem with the music volume at a lot of places. Is there anything you can do to manage it?
Yes. I talked with a handful of people on the first day. They have ear buds to help reduce the volume of the music.
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How do I convince my parents to join Rush Creek Church? Specifically my father?
Have you been actively going?

I don't think you necessarily can other than "hey, I'm going to church. Come with me! It has [x]."

You can put the ball in their court and gently encourage them, but there's not a whole lot else you can do.
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Have you been actively going?

I don't think you necessarily can other than "hey, I'm going to church. Come with me! It has [x]."

You can put the ball in their court and gently encourage them, but there's not a whole lot else you can do.
Yes I have been.

My Mom is open to going eventually. She said she's still grieving over the death of her youngest son, and she retires this year so she won't be able to have fellowship with her Christian based organization.

My Dad is the one I'm really wondering about. He keeps making up reasons why he doesn't want to go, whether it be the loud music, the Church being Baptist based when it's more non denominational, and his past experiences with Churches that made him bitter about Church in general.

We're really on opposite sides of the spectrum. He's perfectionist, picky, and bitter, whereas I'm optimistic and accepting of other people's beliefs.

I asked them if they wanted to go for a Wednesday night service in order to ease them into it and my Mom said she's not ready and my Dad said he doesn't want to commit.

The only way I see my Dad going is if my Mom goes with me, and I don't know if he'll end up going even then.
Keep praying for them, and back off a little for now. Even just a "Hey, I'm going to church soon if anyone wants to come" and leave it at that.

It's a fine balance of reminding them the invitation is there, and being so annoying they refuse altogether.
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I'm going to try to go back to Church tomorrow. I realized that the main reason I didn't go last Sunday was because I was going through a state of depression.
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I'm going to try to go back to Church tomorrow. I realized that the main reason I didn't go last Sunday was because I was going through a state of depression.
That's normal, and it happens. And that's okay.

Try and build relationships with those people there so you have community to lean on and pray for you when that does happen.
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